How electronic device affects the way we communicate

Today, people around the world are influenced by technologies and use it on a daily basis, it seems like they can't let go because these electronic devices are so attached to them and it's an addition. Electronic devices affect the way we communicate, perceive information, and solve problems. Google change the way how people find information and solve problems And that they are not using their brain at its full potential. With all the technological advancement, they are affecting the younger generations the hardest, especially, because they are not using their brain and depending on google to do their homework by giving them the solutions that can be found in seconds.

 Technology changed the way society communicates, perceive Information, and problem solving.

To begin with, technology is changing people and that the people are being charged by technology. Many people around the world spend a lot of time using their electronic devices such as cell phones to communicate because it is small and easy to carry around. It makes it easy for them to access the internet and it's an addiction to our lives. Today, text messaging is very popular and it's being  dominated by technology because it is a form  of communicating with others. In this generation today, technology changed the way society communicates. With the advance of technologies, a text messaging can be sent and received immediately,  this allow us to read the message immediately.

But now let's learn how the overuse of electronic devices affect our daily life and communication.

(1) electronic devices affect the peace of mind.

Many people show off money, pride, reputation in society, power of position, luxury in communications etc. The truth is absent in communication. I am not saying it was not the same before, but today it's more prevalent in communication devices due to technology.

The rich-poor, good and bad, right or wrong, best and worst comparison communication through images, videos, group meetings, and debates are affecting peace of mind.

(2) Electronic devices destroy the love and emotions of people

Love and emotions are absent from electronic device communication. People just forward the contents, the communication is manipulative. It's based on Data, market demand, reputation in the society and popularity. Society treats the rich and poor differently. Society selects the leaders based on popularity and not on principle and merit. Now these things are reducing the love, trust, and emotions of good people.

(3) people are busy but wasting time.

People are really busy these days, but they are not busy with business, personal, career, or environmental development. Most of the population is communicating through mobile (chatting, sharing, liking) and they think it's important for them to communicate and react.

People are so much busy and they forget their practical side in life. For example, I am communicating with you, but at the same time, I am busy on my mobile phone. This is reducing the quality of communication between us.

Our behavior have become such that we want to achieve everything quickly. It looks like we are in race. Sometimes it creates anger and destruction in society, and we forget why we are in such a rush. Where we are going, what we will achieve at the end of the day.

(4) Human reaching top level of  concupiscence, Anger, Greed  Fascination, and Jealousy.

The use of electronic device in communication is increasing  more concupiscence, anger, greed, fascination, and jealousy. It is because the technology has created higher competition in the market, everyone is fighting with each other for career, business, income, and reputation, it's creating stress in communication, and that's leading to anger and stress in society for winning.

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