'OPPRESSION' [A word with thousands of meanings]

To some societies, it might just be a single word with a single meaning. 

Oppression is the exercise of authority or power in a burdensome, cruel, or unjust manner. But in my society, it is a word with thousands of meanings. We often use strange things as a form of having fun.

 When a person is too beautiful, it is oppression, when a person has too many cars, it is also oppression, we now use oppression as a meaning for everything. When a person is walking with styles, it is also oppression. 

 There is one part I love about this society, we tend to make ourselves happy with suffering. Hardship has become a way of our lives.

  When suffering is beyond the expectation of a sufferer, a sufferer would find a means of making the suffering to be a joke. That is the definition of my society. We have adapted to suffering as if it is something worthy of adapting with.

 We always use our sufferings as comedies, jokes, memes, cruises, and many more.

Do you know why? Because we have complained many times without yielding a positive result.

When a government failed to respond to the citizen's callings, it definitely means our existence is not important to them. So instead of making the suffering more suffering, we tend to use the suffering as a form of dance, music, or any other exciting ways.

And this word again has led many youths into awkward practices, some youths only think with their legs, not with their brains, some miscomprehend this word as a form of proudness, some used this word to engage in money rituals, fraud, to fit in with the society, they want to be respected in the society, they want the society to adore them. And the outcome is always yielding to vanity.

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