Many people and societies misunderstood failure as a concept to be avoided, they believed being a failure is the most horrible thing of all things. 


  However, almost successful people at this moment had had several failures which eventually made them become successful known people today. But because our social media outlets only carried the successful part of their lives which often makes us to think they have always been successful since the early stages of their lives.

  According to Mark Manson, we can be truly successful only at something we're willing to fail at, if we are unwilling to fail, then we're unwilling to succeed.

 The above statement implies that every successful scholar, inventor, professor, the businessman had some parts of failure in their lives, they were willing to fail to be successful. Many of them tried and failed several times, they believed failure Is a part of success.

 Successful people believed that improvement at anything is based on thousands of small failures and the size of your success is based on how many times you have failed at something.

Let's look at this, a child trying to learn how to walk, tried uncountable times, fell hurt several times, does it make the child think, oh! This is not for me but rather the child knew that to walk, he/she must fail several times.

This is also applicable to every aspect of our life, no one was born an expert, an expert was once a beginner who failed many times.

If you are unwilling to fail at something, definitely you are not prepared to grow because failure is an opportunity to grow, it is when you failed that you realized where to improve.

 Failure is a way forward, failure is an opportunity to realize where to improve, failure is a requirement for growth, failure is a concept of development. The Internet was created by someone who failed several times, most of what we are using today was created by some people who tried and failed several times.

You can only be called a failure when you failed and you decided not to try again. Then you are a failure.