If we conscientiously observe very well, the percentage of poor people is greater than the percentage of rich people.

 We often wonder why those who are getting rich have a  little percentage and the percentage of those who are poor is getting increased daily.

 We always ask these questions without a given answer to the questions. How those who are rich are getting richer every day? Are they involved in money rituals? Are they kidnapping? Are they selling parts of human beings to succeed?.

We kept on asking ourselves these questions without looking into the areas we are affecting ourselves. We kept on thinking without looking into the mistakes we are making, the mistakes that are making us poorer every day.

 There is something special about rich people, they are very smart, and only smart people can control money and utilize the money for material wealth that will generate income.

 That's the quality poor people lack. Poor people often utilize their money into liabilities that can never generate income. For example, the dogmatic thought of poor people when they acquire may be huge money is to invest such money into liabilities that will never generate income, instead of investing the money into assets that will generate income.

 We always faulted the government for our problems but unfortunately, we are also a part of our problems. The liabilities that the rich people buy last are what the poor people buy first.

 The mentality of poor people is to firstly buy a car, or to build a house, or buy many costly clothes, to chase women and many more. All these are liabilities that can never generate income, instead, they drain money.

  Rich people use their money to invest on assets that will generate incomes, they use the profits from the assets to buy the liabilities that they need and they only buy very important liabilities, not just unnecessary liabilities.

  That's why it is better to fill your brain first before you fill your pocket because if we do not fill our brain first then in a flash of light, we will find ourselves being a pauper.

  We often see people in the early days of their life who are rich but suddenly they become poor. Before a rich person can buy a liability, he would have invested in so many assets that generate incomes, then he would figure out that, what if i buy this liability, won't it affect him?

Rich people buy what is necessary not what is unnecessary and that's why rich people make money to work for them and the poor people are only working for money because they lack the required knowledge on how to make money work for them. 

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